Contains vue components used in the different views.
📂 base
This directory contains the base elements of the designs system like buttons, avatar images and so on. These are generic components that do not have a relation to any of the domain objects (like environments or apis)
📂 app
Contains overarching components for the application like such as the shell but also section deviders and so on, navigation or breadcrumbs.
📂 <other directores>
Components that are related to certain domain objects are placed in a directory with the name of this domain object (i.e. environments or apis)
This directory contains fixtures that contain test data for the domain objects
📁 layouts
Contains the base layouts of the application like single and multi column layouts
📁 store
Contains the global store stores of the application. The store is used for caching and to synchronize different components within the frontend, that are not in a parent <> child relationship with each other.