With ‘Create Menu Item' a new menu item of the type 'Page' or 'URL' can be created. With a menu item 'Page’ an existing CMS page is linked to the menu item and can be reached via the main navigation bar. With the type 'URL' a menu item is created which links to an external website, e.g. https://apiida.com.
The 'Menu Item Icon' is located to the left of the 'Menu Item Name' in the page navigation. Here you have to enter the name of the icon from the icon directory linked here. There is a format to follow: 'briefcase' becomes 'BriefcaseIcon' and 'chat-bubble-left' becomes 'ChatBubbleLeftIcon'.
With the arrow buttons in the overview table the menu items can be moved. The position of the menu items in the overview table reflects the position in the main navigation below the static menu items.