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Display Name

The name of the plan. Must be unique.

Quota Hits

The maximum number of API requests per quota interval. Set to 0 for unlimited quota.

Quota Interval

The quota interval defines the time unit in which the quota hits are available.

Rate Limit

The maximum number of API requests per rate interval. Set to 0 to disable rate limit.

Rate Interval

The rate interval defines the time unit in which the rate limit is available.


A description for this plan. This will be visible in developer portal.


Under the Configuration/Plan menu item, all plans are displayed in table format. You can also create new plans and delete existing ones.


If you select one of the plans from the table, the individual values of the plan can be viewed and edited in the first tab 'Details'. The plan can be deployed or deleted via the three-point menu at the top right.


The second tab 'API Products' lists all API products that contain the plan.


The third tab 'Deployments' shows all information where the plan has been deployed.


Assigning Plans to API Products
