Note |
BREAKING CHANGES to the Management API. |
Bug Fixes
A bug has been fixed where an API was set back to the normal state after reaching the error state. This caused messages to be sent multiple times in some cases.
If a node was set up with metrics but is no longer accessible, performance problems could occur.
Easier offline migrations between environments
In ‘Resources’, selected resources can now be downloaded as a ZIP. These can then be specified as the source under ‘APIs’ -> ‘Perform Migration’ -> ‘Localfile’.
The description of the alarming feature in APIs and nodes has been improved.
The integrations for sending messages can now be added more easily to the alarming.
The Gateway Manager API documentation has been expanded and adapted. BREAKING CHANGES
It is now listed which role the user needs in order to be allowed to use an endpoint.
Path changed from
Adjustments in success response from
Other changes
Minor errors relating to the various user roles have been fixed.