The APIIDA API Gateway Manager now supports RESTful APIs to manage the Gateway Manager and the connected gateways.
A new /migrate endpoint allows a safe way to migrate (one or more) resources (like Services) to any connected target, including a list of targets. All necessary steps, like changing variables, intelligent mapping and creating the folder structure will be done automatically.
Additional endpoints help to administer the Gateway Manager, like create/remove existing nodes.
Define Migration Pipelines, including pre- and post-steps for every migration, like sending a webhook to an already existing test-tool. With this, a fully automated flow for a CI/CD pipeline can be established.
Define standard pipeline for every environment or for every migration
Define pre- and post-steps for a migration
Use adminTools functionality, like disabling/enabling a cluster in the migration process
A new Command Line Interface (CLI) to manage the Gateway Manager and performing migrations, can be used for existing CI/CD tools, like Jenkins.
Intelligent Mapping of IDs: Mapping of IDs will be done automatically between source and target gateway. If the IDs doesn’t match, the Gateway Manager automatically mapps maps by name.
Migrate more services in each migration step to save time.
Migrate services and resources to more the one target at once to save time
Migrate services or resources to whole environment (or multiple environments)
If a variable will be changed in the migration process, the original value of this variable will be shown.
One-Click-Migration: If the migration overview step isn’t necessary, the option “Execute Migration with Default Settings” can be chosen for a One-Click-Migration. Save migrations
Save a migration (including custom mappings and actions) for future use and add a link or description to it. This can also be used for templating a migration
Repeat saved migrations for future use
Central Migration overview for all migrations, that happend in the past
Gateway Explorer
Additionally to resources also servicesMulti migrate services, additionally to resources, to a target gateway, cluster or environment
Migrate more the one resource at once
Standard migration flow
Migration in historyby selecting them
Quick selection for resources by name or path
Every migration from the Gateway Explorer will use the standard migration flow (including the Migration Overview page)
Migration for Resources will be shown in the migration history as well
APIIDA API Gateway Manager gateway integration
New and updated APIIDA Assertions with version 2.1, with the following additions:
Easier setup
by using JDBC connection instead of custom connection setting
API to send Logs and Audits
to the Gateway Manager. With this, the Gateway Manager is able to show logs and audit information in the node details
Show the gateway version in
the APIIDA Discovery API
Info |
Installation instruction changed, please check the updated manual: |