Versions Compared


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Features and Enhancements

Set-Up Process

  • All requests are redirected to the license page by default if there is no license or if it expired. No need to type in the license URL anymore.

  • The admin user now requires a name and an email address to be entered. It is treated as every other user starting with this release.


  • The local time zone can be configured in the configuration view.

  • Display format of date and time (12/24hrs clock) can be configured in the configuration file. Contact our support to get more information on how to change them.

  • Easier configuration of new environments


  • The nodes overview now shows only the clusters and any nodes not belonging to a cluster. To see nodes that are within a cluster you have to click the cluster to drill deeper.

  • You can install the APIIDA API Gateway Manager solution kit from within the UI using the node’s options menu. Be aware though, that you still have to set the database information from within the Policy Manager.

  • An indicator shows if the metrics are available from the node, if this is enabled for that node. So if the node is down or misconfigured, you have a quick way to see that there are issues.

Services and Solutions

  • Removing a solution from APIIDA API Gateway Manager also removes all services contained therein. It is not necessary anymore to remove every service on its own afterwards.

  • An additional indicator for a Service or Instance shows the parent folder. For a Service the parent folder is the same as for the first instance of this Service.


  • Migration process is now much faster by using a highly optimized mapping mechanism.

  • Choose an own Action (like New or Update or Ignore) for every single dependency.

  • Properties of a mapping like “map by”, “map to” and “fail on new” are displayed in the migration overview.

  • Mappings display the resource’s name if available.

  • There’s a new toggle in the migration view that enables to synchronize folder trees for the service / solution and for all of its dependencies before the migration is performed. This mitigates migrations failing because of inconsistent folder structures.

Migration Results View

  • A summary of the migration is shown at the top of the page, so it’s easy to see if the migration was successful.

  • Mappings that failed during migration are pushed to the top of the view, so they are now displayed front and center for an easier error checking and correction afterwards.

  • Log messages of the migration are displayed in a collapsible panel located at the bottom of the result view. This enables easier diagnosis of failed migrations.

Gateway Explorer

  • Summer 19 features a new gateway explorer, that allows you to inspect almost all entities of a gateway like:

    • Certificates

    • Cluster-Wide Properties

    • Encapsulated Assertions

    • Firewall Rules

    • Identity Providers

    • JDBC Connections

    • Listen Ports

    • Policy

    • Private Keys

    • Scheduled Tasks

    • Secure Passwords

    • Server Module Files

  • The explorer is capable of showing all clusters / nodes where a resource is deployed to

  • Migration of resources (i.e. JDBC connections) from one cluster / node to another is possible


  • The version number is now shown in the footer. Please supply this number to our support staff if you file any reports.

  • A back button was added for every task, so it is possible to go back while a task is still running.


The following bugs have been fixed in Summer 19:

  • After renaming a node the instances still show the old name of the node

  • Migrations fail with the message “Cannot create a goid from String”

  • Times are stored in local timezone instead of UTC

  • Typo in invitation mail

  • Checkbox to enable / disable metrics in the node does not work

  • Option to re-scan the node after a migration is not working

  • Instance tiles show charts, even though metrics are turned off for the node

  • Contained services of a solution are shown on each tab in edit solutions view

  • XML files created by APIIDA API Gateway Manager include multiple namespace definitions

  • Ignored mappings are shown as failed instead of successful

  • Option “Monitor the migrated service if not already done” in migration process didn’t do anything

Known Issues

  • If you click on 'add' in a Dashboard edit page, all your unsaved changes are lost. Please save all your changes before you add a widget or block.

  • If you are in the edit mode from a Dashboard, all other sites (e.g. Nodes or Services) are in edit mode too. Please go back to your Dashboard and save your changes.

  • APIIDA API Gateway Manager don’t enforce valid git tag names. Invalid tag names won’t be set.

  • “Test connection” button in “APIIDA Metrics Assertion v2” configuration inside Policy Manager isn’t working.

  • Target mapping ID isn’t shown in the migration overview page.

Release Notes for Summer 19 Hotfix 1 release


  • In some occasions the timezone in configuration couldn’t be saved.

  • Names of Policies are shown now in the migration overview together with the ID.

  • In some occasions the migration history missed some migrations. Now all members of a cluster do get the history entry after a migration.

  • Backup of a solution was broken and is fixed now. This doesn’t change anything to the flow of a backup from a Service.


Details on upgrading to Summer 19 Hotfix 1 can be found here: Upgrade to Summer 19