The queue module handles background tasks. It can run maintenance tasks as well as long running UI tasks. To work it needs an outside trigger like cron or the Windows Task Planner. It supplies a script (QueueRunner.php) which can be executed in the shell and keeps working tasks for a certain amout of time. The runner does not run infinitely, so the PHP garbage collector has a chance to free the used memory again. This is in line with PHP’s share nothing approach for managing memory.
Configuration Options
Option | Possible Values | Description |
queue.runner | exec / curl | If set to exec the tasks are executed by creating a new process for each of them. This requires the availability of the proc_open method. The benefit is that the tasks do not clutter up the http server’s access log. By using curl each task is started by a http call to itself spawning a new process / reusing one of the FastCGI processes. |
queue.curlUrl | e.g. http://localhost/mydummypage | If not set the curl runner uses the routing provider to create the URL used to execute a task. This is ususally the URL used to access the page from the outside. If you need to use a different URL you can set it using this option. |