On this page you can display all the resources of a node, inspect them and perform actions.
After selecting a node under "Browse Resources of", you will see a tree on the left-hand side of the page with all the resources of the node.
If you select an element in the tree, the right-hand side fills up and you receive information about the element and also details depending on the type of element selected.


Use the search and folder icons for more targeted navigation.
If the resources are not up-to-date, use https://apiida.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AAGM/pages/1534034010/Resources#Reload-Resources .



The selected resources can be migrated directly to another node by clicking on "Migrate all".


Create a Library

If an API permanently needs more resources, create a library, link the two and all resources will be automatically added the a migration. How to use


Reload Resources

If you change something on your gateway or have created new resources, you should update the resources in AAGM.

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