CMS Template Library

The following images show all available templates, which are listed in the Developer Portal in the block editor of the 'Edit Mode'.

The templates are based on modified Tailwind Components.


Basics - Button

BlogSections - ThreeColumnWithlmages

ContactSections - SplitWithPattern

CTASections - SimpleCentered

CTASections - SimpleCenteredOnBrand

CTASections - SimpleStacked

CTASections - SplitWithlmage

FeatureSections - Offset2x2grid

FeatureSections - Centered2x2grid

FeatureSections - OffsetWithFeatureList

FeatureSections - Simple

FeatureSections - SimpleThreeColumnWithSmallicons

FeatureSections - WithProductScreenshot

FeatureSections - WithProductScreenshotPanel

FeatureSections - WithProductScreenshotOnLleft

HeaderSections - CenteredWithEyebrow

HeaderSections - SimpleWithEyebrow

HeroSections - SplitWithScreenshot

HeroSections - WithOffsetlmage

Newsletter - SimpleSideBySide

Newsletter - SideBySideWithDetails

Newsletter - SimpleStacked


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