Environment Urls
This article explains what url you should configure for your environment and how it is used to build the specific API urls that your users will see after subscribing to an API in that environment.
Kong: The url of your Kong proxy (e.g. http://my-kong:8000). API urls are built by appending the path of the first route of a service (e.g. http://my-kong:8000/petstore).
WSO2: The url of your WSO2 gateway (e.g. http://my-wso2:8280). API urls are built by appending the context and version of the API (e.g. http://my-wso2:8280/petstore/1.0.6)
Gravitee: The url of the gravitee gateway (e.g. http://my-gravitee:8082). API urls are built by appending the API context path to the environment url (e.g. http://my-gravitee:8082/petstore).
AWS: The url depends on the region where your AWS API gateway is hosted and the stage you want to use with this environment: https://execute-api.<region>.amazonaws.com/<stage> (e.g. https://execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/development. API urls are built by prepending the API id (e.g. https://22abcgc8u3.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/test).
Azure: The url is the gateway url that can be found in Azure on the overview page of your API management service (e.g. https://my-api-management-service.azure-api.net). API urls are built by appending the API URL suffix of that API (e.g. https://apiim-hello-world-resource.azure-api.net/petstore).
Apigee: API urls are built by appending the path from the first proxy endpoint of an API Proxy.
Layer7: The url of your Layer7 gateway (e.g. https://my-gateway:8443) Not the Url of the Layer7 developer portal! API urls are built by appending the custom resolution path configured for the corresponding service in the gateway (e.g. https://my-gateway:8443/petstore).
Layer7 + apiida: The url of your Layer7 gateway (e.g. https://my-gateway:8443) Not the Url of your AAGM instance! API urls are built by appending the custom resolution path configured for the corresponding service in the gateway (e.g. https://my-gateway:8443/petstore).