3.8.5 - Ready

  1. Introduction of the EBA check to enforce the TPP has the required role and is still granted the rights.

  2. Enforcement of QTSP Root Certificates in PROD / INT.

  3. Set filter for IBAN according to page 263 of the PSD2 Implementation Guide [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{1-30} for EVERY stage (inc payments)

  4. Enable customised filter to only accept IBANs from specific banks like DE[0-9]{2}77322200[0-9}{10}

  5. Addition of a comment in the #PSD2 PIS Live Payment Submission Routing and #PSD2 PIS Live Payment Initiation Routing fragments regarding the retries of the transaction and routing failure safegards.
