Deploy New Version

Deploy New Version

Deploying Universal APIs (Open Proxy Specification)

If you have created your API from an Open Proxy Specification file or from a git repository, you can deploy any of its versions that have an Open Proxy Specification attachted to them.

Keep in mind that during deployment, the API inside the gateway will be created/updated only based on the information in the Open Proxy Specification file. Any diverging configuration in API Control Plane is ignored. E.g. if you create the version as 1.0 in API Control Plane but upload an Open Proxy Specification file where the version is 2.1 (which is not recommended!), then the version in the gateway (if supported) will be set to 2.1 as well.

  • Click “APIs” in the menu on the left side.

  • Find and click your API in the table.

  • Click “Versions” in the level 2 menu on the left side.

  • Click the “Deploy” button for the version that you want to deploy.

Administration Portal - APIs - Versions - Deploy
Adminstration Portal - APIs - Versions - Deploy - Choose Environment