Known Issues
Description | Notes |
ServiceID in Migration overview of solutions | If you migrate a solution to a gateway, the current overview show you only one ServiceID. |
Dashboard: Click on 'add' deletes all changed widget data | If you click on 'add' in a Dashboard edit page, all your changed widgets preferences are lost. Please save all your preferences before you add a widget or block. |
Edit mode from Dashboard: all sites are in edit mode | If you are in the edit mode from a Dashboard, all other sites (e.g. Nodes or Services) are in edit mode too. Please go back to your Dashboard and save your changes. |
Info |
You can find the upgrade instructions from Winter 19 to Spring 19 here: Upgrade to Spring 19 Release |
Release Notes Spring 19 Release Hotfix 1
Description | Notes |
Issues in starting a migration | In some rare occasions migration couldn't be started from the Services view, if git integration was not set up. |
Migration stuck in some cases | In some rare occasions migration was stuck in checking Node availability. |
Missing dates in some widgets | Some widgets like Service analytics missed dates for the showed metrics. This fix needs a new Configuration.xml. Please get in contact with APIIDA Support for further assistant. |
Stack Traces | Stack traces are disabled for release versions. |
Admin username changeable | Username for the admin User is now changeable. |
Info |
You can find the upgrade instructions from Spring 19 to Spring 19 Hotfix1/2 here: Upgrade to Spring 19 Release |
Release Notes Spring 19 Release Hotfix 2
Description | Notes |
Migration fails with folders with same name | Migration |
do not fail anymore, when there are multiple folders with the same name on the target gateway | |
Analytics widget for Cluster information is missing data | Analytics widget for Cluster information shows data again |
Wrong ID in UI in migrating a solution | ID shows now the folder ID, not the ID of the first migrated Service |
Wrong Gateway Name for an Instance | Gateway name in instance name is set correctly |
Option stacked in bar chart don't work | Boolean options in bar chart are working correctly again |
Slow mapping progress | Mapping process time in a migration heavily improved for big migration tasks |
Issues with some specific resources | Some specific resource are handled properly in migration process |
Single dependencies not removable | All dependencies in the migration process can now be handled separately |
Info |
You can find the upgrade instructions from Winter Spring 19 to Spring 19 Hotfix1/2 here: Upgrade to Spring19 Spring 19 Release |