APIIDA API Gateway Manager

Release Notes Spring 19

This page contains information about the APIIDA API Gateway Manager Spring 19. 

New Features and Enhancements

One-Click Migration

Better handling of test migrationsBetter handling of test migrations, so that no changes are taken on target node. 
More ways to start a migration

Start a migration from following places:

  • Node overview
  • Service overview
  • Inside a Node with preselected source Node
  • Inside a Service (like before) with preselected Service. Button is now located in the migrations tab. 
Added migration source: Local bundle fileStart a migration with an existing local bundle file from GMU or exported by APIIDA API Gateway Manager. 
Added migration source: Git repositoryStart a migration based on your configured Git repository. Filter your version by your defined tags in the repository. 
Added migration target: ClusterMigrate a Service or Solution to cluster, instead to a single node. APIIDA API Gateway Manager will handle automatically the migration to one cluster member. 

Service Management

Push to git repositoryMigrateOut your existing services to a predefined git repository. Add a tag to your migration to have a filter in the future. 
Pull from git repositoryMigrateIn form a predefined git repository to a Node. 
SSH Key to authenticate against gitUse SSH keys to authenticate APIIDA API Gateway Manager to your git repository. 

Node/Service overview

Start a Migration directly from Node/Services overview

Start a migration from following places:

  • Node overview
  • Service overview
  • Inside a Node with preselected source Node
  • Inside a Service (like before) with preselected Service. Button is now located in the migrations tab. 
Add description to a ServiceAdd a description to a Service to describe a Service. 

Overall Improvements

Disable monitoring for a NodeIf a monitoring for a node isn't necessary, it is possible to disable the monitoring in the Node settings. 
Change views for Node/Cluster, Service and Instance widgets

Choose between two different visuals for the following widgets:

  • Cluster/Node state widget: Show metrics (CPU/Memory/Disc space) or hide them
  • Service state widget: Show state and request metric or hide both information
  • Instance state widget: Show frondend response time and request metric or hide both information
Offline modeRemoved external loads of resources, like css files and fonts. Installation can now be fully offline. 
Better error messages, if something don't workOnly necessary information will be shown, if an error happens, e.g. wrong defined SMTP settings are leading to a small error message, instead to a stack trace. 
Test Mail is working againIn some occasions, the test mail button wasn't functional. 
Completely new Assertions for your Gateway

Recreated and improved the assertions for the gateway. Separate functionality in to four assertions and APIs:

  • aagm/metrics:
    • New lightweight output in JSON and parameters to define time range and amount of data. 
  • aagm/logs:
    • New assertion to show logs from the gateway (don't available on gateway Docker installation) with parameters to select amount and severity of showed logs.
  • aamg/audit:
    • New assertion to show audit messages from the gateway with parameters to define time range and severity. 
  • aagm/discovery:
    • New assertion to show all cluster members with their corresponding name and IP addresses. 
Solution kit to install APIIDA AssertionsEasy installation and upgrade of existing APIIDA Assertions by using a solution kit, signed by Broadcom. 
Add/remove environment stagesAdd additional environment stages or remove unused stages. Define different alarm rules for different stages. 

Known Issues



Dashboard: Click on 'add' deletes all changed widget data

If you click on 'add' in a Dashboard edit page, all your changed widgets preferences are lost. Please save all your preferences before you add a widget or block. 

Edit mode from Dashboard: all sites are in edit mode

If you are in the edit mode from a Dashboard, all other sites (e.g. Nodes or Services) are in edit mode too. Please go back to your Dashboard and save your changes. 

You can find the upgrade instructions from Winter 19 to Spring 19 here: Upgrade to Spring 19 Release

Release Notes Spring 19 Release Hotfix 1

Issues in starting a migrationIn some rare occasions migration couldn't be started from the Services view, if git integration was not set up. 
Migration stuck in some casesIn some rare occasions migration was stuck in checking Node availability. 
Missing dates in some widgetsSome widgets like Service analytics missed dates for the showed metrics. This fix needs a new Configuration.xml. Please get in contact with APIIDA Support for further assistant. 
Stack TracesStack traces are disabled for release versions. 
Admin username changeableUsername for the admin User is now changeable. 

You can find the upgrade instructions from Spring 19 to Spring 19 Hotfix1/2 here: Upgrade to Spring 19 Release

Release Notes Spring 19 Release Hotfix 2

Migration fails with folders with same nameMigration do not fail anymore, when there are multiple folders with the same name on the target gateway
Analytics widget for Cluster information is missing dataAnalytics widget for Cluster information shows data again
Wrong ID in UI in migrating a solutionID shows now the folder ID, not the ID of the first migrated Service
Wrong Gateway Name for an InstanceGateway name in instance name is set correctly 
Option stacked in bar chart don't workBoolean options in bar chart are working correctly again
Slow mapping progressMapping process time in a migration heavily improved for big migration tasks
Issues with some specific resources Some specific resource are handled properly in migration process
Single dependencies not removableAll dependencies in the migration process can now be handled separately 

You can find the upgrade instructions from Spring 19 to Spring 19 Hotfix1/2 here: Upgrade to Spring 19 Release