Migration Overview
The source in this case is the git repository of the API demo in version 2.0. This API requires the library demo, which is not available on the target.
Mappings can also be adjusted manually, but be careful!
The resources you select are automatically set to NewOrUpdate and overwrite the default mappings. In combination with the search and the checkboxes, it is possible to change many mappings at once. You can customise the mappings for each destination.
With the turquoise buttons on the far right of each mapping, the selected action can be saved as default.
In "Pipeline" you can perform various actions before and after the migration, such as "Disable via Admintools" or "Call an URL via GET". Default values can be set in Environments .
You should only edit the "Template Variables" if you know what you are doing.
With "Create folder tree on destination(s)" the entire folder tree is mapped in the destination. Otherwise, the gateway would only create a maximum of two levels.
With "Deactivate Migrated APIs" you can play the newer version of the APIs on the gateways, but leave the old one active.
"Create folder tree on destination(s)" behaves identically as described in "Test".
Migration Result
After testing the migration, they get an overview of the results, the entire XML and the logs.
After testing the migration, they get an overview of the results, the entire XML and the logs. You can also download the folders, mappings, the bundle and more.
There is no such thing as an only partially successful migration! If something fails in the migration, the entire migration is not carried out. Your gateway will not be in an undefined state.
With "Revert Migration" you can completely undo a migration that has been carried out.