The governance dashboard is available to global admins. It provides various insights into the security and quality scores of your APIs, as well as the most commonly violated rules from your rulesets. In addition, you can find lists of zombie APIs and shadow APIs.
Average Scores per Organization
All organizations that are owners of APIs are displayed here. An average value is calculated across all security and quality scores of the APIs in the organizations.
APIs with Lowest Scores
All APIs with a security or quality score below 100% are displayed here.
Most Violated Rules
All violated rules are displayed here, sorted according to the severity and number of violations.
Zombie and Shadow APIs
All APIs that are considered Zombie or Shadow APIs. An API is considered a Zombie API if it has not been subscribed to in the last 90 days. An API is considered a Shadow API if it does not contain an API specification file (e.g. OpenAPI).