Within APIIDA API Gateway Manager your Layer7 Gateways are referred to as nodes. As you are used to nodes can be grouped to clusters. As you will notice a cluster doesn’t have any connection details or credentials. This is due to the fact, that when you use API Gateway Manager’s monitoring functionality it will fetch metrics for every node in the cluster. Within the API Gateway Manager the cluster is only used to create derived metrics, i.e. the average response times or the sum of requests handled by the cluster in total. All operations and alarming thresholds are configured on the node level allowing you to configure those values differently even within a cluster. As this fine grained control doesn’t make a lot of sense when talking about migrations APIIDA API Gateway Manager only shows the cluster a node belongs to during migrations. As migrating to or from any of the nodes in the cluster will yield the same results, there is no point in showing all of them in the selection boxes are in the resource explorer.