Customize logo and colors


You can change the colors directly in tailwind.config.js. Here is an alternative color scheme.

const { backgroundColor } = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme'); const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme'); module.exports = { darkMode: 'class', content: [ './index.html', './src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx}', './node_modules/@apiida/**/*.{css,js,ts}', ], theme: { extend: { fontFamily: { sans: ['Inter var', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans], }, screens: { '2.5xl': '1743px', '3xl': '1950px', '4xl': '2350px', }, colors: { apiida: { 50: '#f8d184', 100: '#f7c76b', 200: '#f5be52', 300: '#f4b539', 400: '#f2ab21', DEFAULT: '#F1A208', 500: '#d99207', 600: '#c18206', 700: '#a97106', 800: '#916105', 900: '#795104', }, 'apiida-blue': { 100: '#668566', 200: '#4d704d', 300: '#335c33', 400: '#1a471a', DEFAULT: '#003300', 500: '#002e00', 600: '#002900', 700: '#002400', 800: '#001f00', 900: '#001a00', }, 'apiida-dark': { 100: '#6a7d82', 200: '#51676d', 300: '#385159', 400: '#1f3c44', DEFAULT: '#06262f', 500: '#06262f', 600: '#051e26', 700: '#04171c', 800: '#020f13', 900: '#010809', }, 'apiida-dark-lighter': { 50: '#F9FAFB', 100: '#F3F4F6', 200: '#E5E7EB', 300: '#D1D5DB', 400: '#9CA3AF', DEFAULT: '#6B7280', 500: '#6B7280', 600: '#4B5563', 700: '#374151', 800: '#1F2937', 900: '#111827', }, }, }, }, plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/forms'), require('@tailwindcss/line-clamp')], };


We can exchange the logo via a so-called slot.

You will add your own logos to the /src/components/app/ObsidianAppShell.vue class. This class contains the structure of the entire Developer Portal. The navigation, the menus for desktop and mobile view and much more.

  1. Add your logo to the src/assets folder

    1. You need your logo in 3 formats. About three times as wide as high (here APIIDA_DARK_LOGO), square (here LOGO_BLACK_SMALL) and as .ico file. Please make sure that the files are not too big.

  2. Import your logo as an object

    1. import APIIDA_DARK_LOGO from '../../assets/apiidaGray/Logo_Black.png'; import LOGO_BLACK_SMALL from '../../assets/apiidaGray/LOGO_BLACK_SMALL.png';
  3. And add the Imported Image Objects to the return at the very end of the class.

    1. return { config, APIIDA_DARK_LOGO, <!-- NEW --> LOGO_BLACK_SMALL, <!-- NEW --> localStorageKey, [...] }; }, }); </script>
  4. Replace your logo with the help of a slot.

    1. To do this, add the following to <TheAppShell> component.

  5. For the last step, go to the index.html class. There you replace the .ico file.

After that, the class should look something like this.




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