APIIDA API Gateway Manager


Clicking on the item APIs in the left hand menu, takes you to the list of all APIs. The list can be viewed in two different settings. You can either choose a list mode for a condensed table-like list or you can choose a more visual tile based grid, that includes the most important metrics.

APIs, Folders and Instances


The list only shows the APIs that have been imported into the Gateway Manager.

Each tile has an icon, to the right of it the corresponding name and the number of services/APIs/instances it contains and below it the merged metrics of all the elements it contains.

  • Folder-20240320-103432.png The folder icon represents a folder, a group of APIs that is viewed as a unit.

  • API-20240320-103459.png The gear icon represents an API that has been registered without its folder or it is located directly in the root folder.

  • Library-20240320-103516.png A library is collection of resources.

  • SolutionKitIcon-20240320-103521.png Solution Kit

If you want to look at a complete list of APIs running on a gateway please use the resource explorer, available via the item ‘Resources’ in the left-hand menu.


Register API

Here you can import your API from your gateway, from git or from a template.

Work with git Service Templates


Register Library

Already existing libraries can be registered here from git. New ones can be created from the node.

Libraries and Solution Kits

Perform Migration

Right here in the overview you can also start a migration. Select source and targets and you are ready to go.


Perform a Migration

List view or Tile view

You can also view your APIs as a list. At the top right you can change the view with the gear wheel.

Reset Existing API

At the top right, you can reset the alerting of an API to its initial values. The initial values can be edited here:

Environments | Edit Initial Values

Discover APIs with the APIIDA API Control Plane Agent

(When Gateway Manager is utilized for directing API Control Plane traffic.)

As of Control Plane Agent version 11.1, each API must be marked as "Control Plane Managed". This is possible from Gateway Manager version 2023.2.2.
To do this, the API must be registered in AAGM.

"Managed by APIIDA API Control Plane" must be activated in the API options.

If you mark a folder as "managed", all APIs in it are also marked. But you can of course deactivate individual APIs again.


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