APIIDA API Gateway Manager

Upgrade from 2023.1 to 2023.2

API Gateway Manager 2023.2 contains breaking changes to the Management API as well as some new features that require a reload of all gateways. Please follow this upgrade guide when updating to 2023.2.

In case you would like to downgrade from 2023.2 to 2023.1, please contact our customer support.

Reloading Gateway Resources

To reload the resources of all connected gateways, click on “Resources” in the left hand menu. Click on “Reload Resources” in the top right corner.

Select the “Import unmodified Resources” toggle and click on “Reload Resources from all Gateways”.

This will reload all resources of your gateways and may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the amount of elements that are stored on your gateways.

Update Integrations That Use The Management API

In case you are using the Management API of the Gateways Manager you need to perform the following changes to your integrations.

  • In case you previously used GET to login to the Management API, you now need to switch to POST. Using GET is not considered safe, so we disabled this option in 2023.2. If you already used POST for login you do not need to make any changes. The username and password are now transmitted as part of a JSON structure. See the OpenAPI definition of the Management API for an example. You can access the OpenAPI definition by opening https://<HOSTNAME>/api/v1/swagger in a browser.

  • Updates to entities (like APIs) now require the PATCH method. Until 2023.2 we also allowed updated to be done via the POST method. If you are still using POST to update in your integrations, please switch to PATCH. POST will only be allowed for creating new entities going forward.

  • Roles are now enforced more rigorously in the API. Please check if the user you use for your pipelines has the needed roles assigned to it, e.g. the role “Managing Services” in order to access the /apis/* endpoints.

  • Some endpoints have been renamed to better express their functionality. Please consult with the OpenAPI definition of the Management API to see which names have changed. You can access the OpenAPI definition by opening https://<HOSTNAME>/api/v1/swagger in a browser.