APIIDA API Gateway Manager


Bildschirmfoto am 2024-04-30 um 15.27.08.png

Dependency Graph

The dependency graph is required to determine the dependencies of each individual resource. These dependencies can be viewed directly in "Resources" after selecting a resource. The dependency graph is updated each time a gateway is indexed.


If you have no use for the dependencies, you can deactivate this feature and benefit from a time saving.

Backup existing elements before migration

If this option is activated, the API Gateway Manager creates backup copies of all elements that are to be updated or deleted so that a migration can be reverted.

This is intended as an immediate restore. If the resources on the gateway have changed in the meantime, unpredictable things can happen.

Revert Migration

Import roles from the gateways

If activated API Gateway Manager will import all user created roles from the gateway. If you do not use roles or if they are not part of your migrations you might turn off this feature for higher performance.

Hide folders in migration overview to improve focus mode

If activated folders will be hidden on the migration overview. They will be migrated using the 'New or Existing' action and will be auto-mapped. This improves the clarity if you have a deeply nested folder structure.

Use the gateway's cluster passphrase during migrations

Secrets are always encrypted in migration bundles and when pushed to a git repository. By default the key is bound to this instance of the API Gateway Manager. If you would like to use the Gateway's cluster passphrase for encryption, activate this toggle. Please note that the API Gateway Manager has no option to check if the cluster passphrases on source and target of the migration map. If not the migration of secrets will fail.

This error message appears when the API repository was created by another AAGM instance. With the cluster passphrase this problem is fixed. Enable this feature in both AAGMs and recreate the repository.

Import Solution Kits and Their Contents

If activated API Gateway Manager will import Solution Kits and their contents. Turn off if you do not use requirements and the import takes too long.

Import Groups and Users

If activated API Gateway Manager will import groups and users that are associated with the identity providers found. When turning off you will loose the ability to migrate any such groups or users. Instead they will show as "Missing on source" during a migration.

Use Graphman to communicate with the Gateways

Use Layer7's new Graphman interface for communicating with the gateway. As not all resources have been implemented by Broadcom, the Restman is used as a backup. Graphman dramatically reduces the time required to reload the resources of a node.
