APIIDA API Gateway Manager

Connect an external Prometheus

How it works

AAGM already ships a Prometheus and its Pushgateway. Installation | Install using Docker Compose
Once set up successfully, everything should connect automatically and start collecting metrics from APIs registered in AAGM.

Here is a diagram of how the individual components work together.


Prometheus Configuration

This configuration is already integrated in the supplied Prometheus.

Configuration | Prometheus

Prometheus automatically pulls the metrics of all its targets every few seconds.

global: scrape_interval: 15s external_labels: monitor: 'codelab-monitor' scrape_configs: - job_name: 'prometheus' static_configs: - targets: [ 'host.docker.internal:9090' ] - job_name: 'aagmdb' static_configs: - targets: [ 'host.docker.internal:9104' ] - job_name: 'prometheus-pushgateway' scrape_interval: 1s honor_labels: true static_configs: - targets: [ 'host.docker.internal:9091' ]

Using an external Prometheus

  • The url of Prometheus and the Prometheus Pushgateway must be stored in the configuration of AAGM under General settings.

  • Prometheus must receive the Pushgateway as target as in line 16 above.

  • Optionally, the database of AAGM can also be added. Prometheus OSS | MySQL exporter

View metrics directly in Prometheus

Here are a few examples of how to retrieve metrics directly in Prometheus.

Example: Nodes

  • cpuLoadPercentage{name="Docker GW 1"}

  • memoryLoadPercentage{hostPort="host.docker.internal:8444"}

  • cpuLoadPercentage

Example: APIs

  • allRequestsCount{name="APIIDA Metrics API"}

  • allRequestsCount{job="Docker GW 1 APIIDA Metrics API"}

  • allRequestsCount{nodeID="2"}

Jobs, Labels and Metric Names

Data model | Prometheus https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/jobs_instances/

All possible filters can also be viewed here or directly on the PushGateway.


The name of the job consists of the name of the gateway and the name of the API.


Enable the Prometheus dimensional data model to identify any combination of labels for the same metric name.

  • id

    • Id of the API or Node

  • name

    • Name of the API or Node

  • nodeId

    • Id of the node on which the API is running

  • type

    • Type of job, either “api” or “node”. Influences which metrics are available.

Metric Names

Specify the general characteristic of a system that is being measured

All Metric Names for Label type=api
  • allRequestsCount

  • averageBackendResponseTimeMillis

  • averageFrontendResponseTimeMillis

  • maxBackendResponseTimeMillis

  • maxFrontendResponseTimeMillis

  • minBackendResponseTimeMillis

  • minFrontendResponseTimeMillis

  • policyViolationCount

  • routingFailureCount

  • successfulRequestsCount

All Metric Names for Label type=node
  • cpuLoadPercentage

  • memoryLoadPercentage

  • diskSpacePercentage

  • totalDiskSpaceMB

  • freeDiskSpaceMB

  • sqlDelay


Grafana supports the Prometheus query. The Grafana data source for Prometheus is included since Grafana 2.5.0 https://prometheus.io/docs/visualization/grafana/#grafana-support-for-prometheus

Grafana user: admin pass: admin





Grafana: The open and composable observability platform | Grafana Labs