API Control Plane 2023.10
New Features / Changes
This release introduces the “Open Proxy Specification”. The Open Proxy Specification is a new open standard that enables users to create new APIs in the APIIDA API Control Plane and deploy them onto a Gateway in a vendor-agnostic manner through a comprehensive description of the API. More information can be found in the documentation: https://apiida.atlassian.net/l/cp/6g41hzxV and https://apiida.atlassian.net/l/cp/KwdHtu91
It is now possible to create subscriptions for non-prod environment in order to allow access to APIs currently in development or testing.
In the environments, the table showing the capabilites of the agent now also indicates whether the environment is able to regenerate access permissions
Bug Fixes
Fixes a bug where the dialog may not have shown the public key after creating a new ssh git credential.
Fixes a bug where it may have come to unexpected behaviour after deleting and recreating an organization.
Fixes a bug where the Control Plane falsely showed an authorization error before being logged in.
Fixes a bug where chaning the role of a user my have lead to duplicates.
Fixes a bug where the regeneration of secrets may have lead to a timeout.
Fixes a bug where basic users and administrators might have been able to see features they are not supposed to use, and get an error message when they tried to do so.
Various typo and minor cosmetic corrections have been made throughout the platform for an improved user experience.