APIIDA API Gateway Manager

Customize the Installation

If you want or need to deviate from the standard installation, you will find the most common customisations here. If you do not find what you are looking for here, take a look here.

Configure/Install ...


Adaptations to the aagm (APIIDA API Gateway Manager) service.

aagm: image: apiida/aagm:latest ports: - '443:10443' environment: - 'NOSTROMO_DB_HOST=db' - 'NOSTROMO_DB_NAME=aagm' - 'NOSTROMO_DB_USER=aagm_user' - 'NOSTROMO_DB_PASSWORD=ag72iUphcpE9K9hY'

Change port

If you want to run the Gateway Manager service on a different port, you must also specify it as the NOSTROMO_PORT environment variable.

Environment variables

Here is a change of the port from 443 to 11443.

ports: - '11443:10443' environment: - 'NOSTROMO_PORT=11443' [...]

Prometheus and Prometheus-Pushgateway

Prometheus or the Prometheus Pushgateway can also be customised.

prometheus: image: apiida/aagm-prometheus volumes: - aagm-prometheus-vol:/prometheus prometheus-pushgateway: image: prom/pushgateway

Change port or name of the containers

If you want to change the port or the name of the containers, you must also adjust the Configuration of the Gateway Manager. General

Additionally, you need to adjust the URL of the Pushgateway in the Configuration of Prometheus. This is located in your Prometheus container under /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml.

Configuration | Prometheus


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