APIIDA API Gateway Manager
Chart Widgets
This page shows an overview of all Chart widget, that are available in the Dashboard for APIIDA API Gateway Manager.
This page includes the following widgets:
Display CPU, Memory and Disk Space of a Node
Dynamic analytics widget to show CPU, Memory and Disk Space metrics of a specified node.
Edit Mode:
Choose a Node
Normal Mode:
Define a date range
Refresh data
Select/Deselect metrics
Display values of a chosen variable for all instances of an API
Dynamic analytics widget to show a metric for a specific service, including alarming thresholds.
Edit Mode:
Choose a Service
Normal Mode:
Define a date range
Define a stage
Choose a metric
Refresh data
Select/Deselect a node or an alarming threshold
Display values of a chosen variable for all nodes of a cluster
Dynamic analytics widget to show a metric for a specific node.
Edit Mode:
Choose a cluster
Normal Mode:
Define a date range
Choose a metric
Refresh data
Select/Deselect a node
Display all information about a variable for all instances of an API
Analytics widget to show a metric for a specific service in a line chart.
Edit Mode:
Choose a service
Choose a metric
Select/Deselect, if min or max values should be shown
Choose, if alarming thresholds for a specific stage should be shown
Normal Mode:
Select/Deselect a node or an alarming threshold
Displaying a bar chart for a variable for all instances of an API
Analytics widget to show a metric for a specific service in a bar chart.
Edit Mode:
Choose a service
Choose a metric
Select/Deselect, if view should be stacked
Normal Mode:
Select/Deselect a node