APIIDA API Gateway Manager

Release Notes 2023.1.3

PLEASE NOTE: After applying the 2023.1.3 update, please re-index all of your gateways by going to Resources >> Reload Resources >> From all gateways.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented to use a cluster as a target in API-based migrations under some circumstances

  • Made sure, that in all places that reference a gateway the cluster name is used and not the name of the primary gateway within a cluster

  • The environment overview on the dashboard now omits the gateways that belong to a cluster and only display the cluster

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a movement of a folder (without any other changes) to be correctly replicated in the API Gateway Manager

  • Fixed a bug that caused migrations to fail if a folder name contained some special characters

  • Updated the metrics exporter to consistently send metrics to Prometheus even though some elements of the system are missing or other exceptions occur during post processing.